A small guide to big games
How to create a game
What you need to know before creating a geme
  • Games consist of tasks
  • To create a game, create tasks
  • After creating tasks, the site automatically creates a system game on this subject. This game will include all the tasks ever created by users on our website
  • You can create your own games, which will contain only your tasks
How to create a custom game
To create a game you must be logged in to the site
  1. Go to the navigation menu section “Catalog” > Games and select menu item Create a game.
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  1. Enter the game name.
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  • Come up with short, understandable titles for games.
  1. In the “Add tasks to the game” field, start typing the name of the task that you want to add to the game.
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  1. Hold the cursor with the left mouse button on the task plate to drag it to the left column.
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Strict sequence of questions in the game. Display all questions included in the task
Drag the assignment tiles according to the number of questions in the assignment.
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In the Question field, enter the serial number of the question in each question box.
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  • For example, you have 28 questions, which means you need to drag 28 question tiles and number them from 1 to 28. In this case, the order of questions in the game will be strictly from 1 to 28.
Strict sequence of questions in the game. Draw a certain number of questions from an assignment
You can drag any number of tiles with tasks and specify any order, putting down the numbering you need.
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  • For example, you have 28 questions in a task card. You dragged 5 cards and numbered the cards in the following order: 28, 10, 5, 24, 17. In this case, the game will display only 5 questions numbered in strict sequence 1( 28 question), 2 (10), 3 (5), 4 (24), 5 (17).
Arbitrary order of questions in the game. All questions included in the task are displayed
If you want the questions to appear in a random order in the game, check the “Include all questions from the game” checkbox.
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  • For example, you have 28 questions on a task card, they will all be included in the game and displayed in the game in random order.
If you need to reorder jobs
Press and hold the tile with the desired task and drag it up or down.
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If you need to separate blocks of tasks
This can be done using splash pictures. Drag a pre-prepared image into the “Drag image to insert slide” field.
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  • Important! This split option is only suitable for the Quiz game mode.
  1. After adding all the tasks and distributing the sequence of questions, click the “Save button”, then the “Publish button”.
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  • Your original game will become available to everyone in the game catalog.
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