Only the one who answers correctly first gets a point
Choose this setting if you want to identify the smartest and fastest-thinking player.
Other players who answer later will receive 0 points, even if they answer correctly.
Players who answer incorrectly will receive 0 points.
If the player presses the “Skip” button, he receives 0 points.
Everyone who answers correctly gets a point
Select this setting if you want to check the knowledge of all players.
Other players who answer later will receive 0 points, even if they answer correctly.
Players who answer incorrectly will receive 0 points.
If the player presses the “Skip” button, he receives 0 points.
Penalty for switching to another application/tab
Select this setting if you want to identify players who are looking for clues during the game.
If a player closes the game tab or opens another application during the game, the system will automatically count the time he was absent.
At the end of the game, on the “Game Results” page, the system will show how long the player who violated the rules of the game has been absent.
Reduce points for slow response
Choose this setting if you want to add an element of excitement to your game.
Lets say the response time is 60 seconds. If the player answers correctly in the first second, he receives 999 points, if in 59 seconds - 1 point.
Players who answer incorrectly will receive 0 points.
If the player presses the “Skip” button, he receives 0 points.
This setting is very good for team games, it allows lagging teams/players to quickly catch up with the leaders.
Show results after each round
Select this setting if you want to monitor your results during the game.
After each round, the system shows a table with the results of each player.
If players lose their positions or rise higher, the system will show how many positions they have moved down or moved up.
If there are spectators at your intellectual tournament, they will see the results of the participants/teams, they will be more active in cheering for their teams. If you wish, you can additionally announce the results after each round.
This option can also be used if you need pauses during the game. The game will not resume until you click the Continue button.
If necessary, you can exclude/add tasks to the game. Select “Select tasks”.
To exclude tasks, switch the slider next to unnecessary tasks
The excluded task slider will turn gray, and the task bar will become transparent.
To add tasks, scroll to the bottom to the “Add tasks to the game” field
Start typing the quest name to add it to the game.
Click on the “+” to the left of the task.
After adding all tasks, click the “Confirm selection” button.