Fornece métodos para criar, manipular, pesquisar e classificar matrizes, servindo assim como a classe base para todas as matrizes no Common Language Runtime.Provides methods for creating, manipulating, searching, and sorting arrays, thereby serving as the base class for all arrays in the common language runtime.
Check yourself
Is adding element to the end of array quicker than adding it to the middle?
"id": "8HbNor1ZLGMCI9VTeq8MwogC",
"question": "Is adding element to the end of array quicker than adding it to the middle?",
"answers": [
"No, since both operations would required memory copy",
"Depends - adding in the end would require copy only when capacity is not reached",
"Yes, adding to the end requires only allocating of several bytes, while adding into the middle requires memory copy"
"correctAnswers": [
"Yes, adding to the end requires only allocating of several bytes, while adding into the middle requires memory copy"
"incorrectAnswers": [
"Depends - adding in the end would require copy only when capacity is not reached",
"No, since both operations would required memory copy"
"allowCustomAnswer": false,
"canEdit": false,
"allowFileAnswer": false,
"multi": false,
"explanation": "",
"canLike": false,
"likes": 2,
"allAnswers": [
"text": "Yes, adding to the end requires only allocating of several bytes, while adding into the middle requires memory copy",
"correct": true,
"selected": false
"text": "Depends - adding in the end would require copy only when capacity is not reached",
"correct": false,
"selected": false
"text": "No, since both operations would required memory copy",
"correct": false,
"selected": false