Social skill
You've probably heard that perseverance is the key to success. First of all, this concerns the development of programs. The amount of work and things to learn can quickly demotivate you. There will be times in your life when you will feel that you have no progress, when you will spend hours trying to deal with an idiotic bug, when you will think about giving up your personal project. But you need to be patient and persistent. As the study and creation of all the new things you will gain experience. And hard work always pays off.
Programming can be very stressful that creates a lot of impatience in one's life. Developers must learn how to improve their patience for success.
Patience is one of the key soft skills coders need to be successful developers. These five methods will help you improve your patience as a developer.
Skillset Soft skills for developer preview
image descriptionSoft skills for developer
by Artem Naumenko (fb)
208 users
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