Software Development Life Cycle
Common abbreviation is **SDLC**. Typically consists of next stages: 1. **Planning** and gathering the inputs from stakeholders 2. **Defining** requirements for the product 3. **Designing** the product architecture 4. **Building** or developing the product 5. **Testing** to ensure quality of the product 6. **Deployment** - make the product available for end users
Check yourself

What is not a type of SDLC methodologies?

{ "id": "W3IaOwrvISpCLrUzwmFBCCwc", "question": "What is not a type of SDLC methodologies?", "answers": [ "Spiral model", "Waterfall model", "Normal flow model", "Agile model" ], "correctAnswers": [ "Normal flow model" ], "incorrectAnswers": [ "Waterfall model", "Agile model", "Spiral model" ], "allowCustomAnswer": false, "canEdit": false, "allowFileAnswer": false, "multi": false, "explanation": "", "canLike": false, "likes": 0, "allAnswers": [ { "text": "Waterfall model", "correct": false, "selected": false }, { "text": "Spiral model", "correct": false, "selected": false }, { "text": "Normal flow model", "correct": true, "selected": false }, { "text": "Agile model", "correct": false, "selected": false } ] }

When end-users should be trained to use product?

{ "id": "qzetCg8GKnYnINc0fh9PiR26", "question": "When end-users should be trained to use product?", "answers": [ "During design phase", "During implementaion phase", "During testing phase" ], "correctAnswers": [ "During implementaion phase" ], "incorrectAnswers": [ "During design phase", "During testing phase" ], "allowCustomAnswer": false, "canEdit": false, "allowFileAnswer": false, "multi": false, "explanation": "", "canLike": false, "likes": 0, "allAnswers": [ { "text": "During testing phase", "correct": false, "selected": false }, { "text": "During implementaion phase", "correct": true, "selected": false }, { "text": "During design phase", "correct": false, "selected": false } ] }
Skillset Web Backend Developer preview
image descriptionWeb Backend Developer
by Infinite Education
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