Subject: .../Algorithms
Multi-threading suggest parallel execution of multiple threads, which causes new class of difficultires comparing to single-thread programming. To know multithreadings means knowing commong pitfalls and methods of coding around them. Usually these includes next terms: * dead-lock * live-lock * synchronization * race condition * atomicity * re-entrancy * synchronization primitives * memory barriers
Documentationby Microsoft
A thread is the entity within a process that can be scheduled for execution. All threads of a process share its virtual address space and system resources. Each process is started with a single thread, but can create additional threads from any of its threads.
Check yourself

What is the main principle of dead-lock prevention?

{ "id": "FjKjxtq0JmZgKzARplUR9hci", "question": "What is the main principle of dead-lock prevention?", "answers": [ "Always lock on no more than 1 object", "Always lock objects in the same order", "It is not possible to guarantee absense of dead-locks", "Use lock-free algorithms" ], "correctAnswers": [ "Always lock objects in the same order" ], "incorrectAnswers": [ "Always lock on no more than 1 object", "Use lock-free algorithms", "It is not possible to guarantee absense of dead-locks" ], "allowCustomAnswer": false, "canEdit": false, "allowFileAnswer": false, "multi": false, "explanation": "", "canLike": false, "likes": 0, "allAnswers": [ { "text": "Always lock on no more than 1 object", "correct": false, "selected": false }, { "text": "Use lock-free algorithms", "correct": false, "selected": false }, { "text": "It is not possible to guarantee absense of dead-locks", "correct": false, "selected": false }, { "text": "Always lock objects in the same order", "correct": true, "selected": false } ] }

How many threads can process have on CPU with 12 threads?

{ "id": "O31gXoj7IcBrIe6Lx2BTR8Zc", "question": "How many threads can process have on CPU with 12 threads?", "answers": [ "12 or 24 threads (if hyperthreading is on)", "65536 threads (64k) per CPU", "Any number - OS threads do not depend on CPU threads" ], "correctAnswers": [ "Any number - OS threads do not depend on CPU threads" ], "incorrectAnswers": [ "12 or 24 threads (if hyperthreading is on)", "65536 threads (64k) per CPU" ], "allowCustomAnswer": false, "canEdit": false, "allowFileAnswer": false, "multi": false, "explanation": "", "canLike": false, "likes": 0, "allAnswers": [ { "text": "12 or 24 threads (if hyperthreading is on)", "correct": false, "selected": false }, { "text": "Any number - OS threads do not depend on CPU threads", "correct": true, "selected": false }, { "text": "65536 threads (64k) per CPU", "correct": false, "selected": false } ] }
Do you know that ...?
- It is possible to start thread in other process

E.g. via CreateRemoteThread Win API

- Windows supports three levels of granularity of executable units

1) Process 2) Thread 3) Fiber

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