Technical skill
Choosing between sync and async
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What is the advantage of async vs sync communitations?

{ "id": "wxJXjL2AJQyjJKSqqz4haOop", "question": "What is the advantage of async vs sync communitations?", "answers": [ "Async is non-blocking and fail tolerance", "Race condition is impossible in async communication", "Async is more simple for programming" ], "correctAnswers": [ "Async is non-blocking and fail tolerance" ], "incorrectAnswers": [ "Async is more simple for programming", "Race condition is impossible in async communication" ], "allowCustomAnswer": false, "canEdit": false, "allowFileAnswer": false, "multi": false, "explanation": "", "canLike": false, "likes": 0, "allAnswers": [ { "text": "Async is more simple for programming", "correct": false, "selected": false }, { "text": "Race condition is impossible in async communication", "correct": false, "selected": false }, { "text": "Async is non-blocking and fail tolerance", "correct": true, "selected": false } ] }
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